Friday, February 13, 2009

The paradox of our time in history is that....

we have taller buildings but shorter tempers,
wider Freeways , but narrower viewpoints.

We spend more, but have less,
we buy more, but enjoy less.

We have bigger houses and smaller families,
more conveniences,
but less time.

We have more degrees but less sense,
more knowledge, but less judgment,
more experts, yet more problems,
more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly,
laugh too little, drive too fast,
get too angry, stay up too late,
get up too tired, read too little,
watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.

We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life.

We've added years to life not life to years.

We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor.

We conquered outer space but not inner space.

We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul.

We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice.

We write more, but learn less.

We plan more, but accomplish less.

We've learned to rush, but not to wait.

We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever,
but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships.

These are the days of two incomes but more divorce,
fancier houses, but broken homes.

These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill.

It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.

A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it.

A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak!

And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

If you don't send this to at least 8 people....Who cares?

George Carlin


Every time I read this, my heart feels heavy. Tinged with sadness. Whole mind filled with whywhywhy questions. Why we still doing this questions.

It's as if our wrongdoings have all been picked out yet nothing can change it.

Is our purpose to go school get educated or to ace exams lor..
Is language supposed to impress or communicate ideas....
Is......blahblahbalha and many moreee.


[waiting there] 10:33:00 PM

Friday, August 15, 2008

Written on 16th august 2oo8, 1:12am

15th August 2oo8

heyyy. really wanna thank all of you for what you all ve done and prepared..

you all made me feel really blessed and happy.

all the time spent on writing cards and buying my presents..despite the o's coming nearer..
planning and plotting for my birthday celebration..even during lessons.
getting gifts for me at the very last minute.. waiting for quite some time at my void deck.. watching the seconds passed by to be the first or last wisher.. the effort taken to find my photos and wish me on ur blog..

so much done just to give me a surprise. a memorable sixteen birthday.

I've a lot of heartfelt words to say to every indivisual.. i wanna write. Really hope can write to you all soon.. :(

You all are the best things i could have in life. I can never be able to ask for anything like that no matter what you knw. you all are irreplaceable and i'm very thankful and touched by all that you all have done..

Its like..2 more months.. less than 2 more months and we'll never see each other in the same school..same way again.
Everyone will be mugging for o's and soon we'll be going our seperate ways.

Despite being able to meet up and chat up..
i knw what i misses most is the days where we spent chatting and laughing in school..having lunchbreaks together.. complaining about anything and everything.. planning for our friends' celebrations.. giving each other small lil notes and encouragements.. small talks we will have when we see each other between lessons.. the monday recess which we can see all of our friends.. the times where we went to sch not having to worry about not seeing anyone or someone.. cause.. there ll be there. ...always

Despite not talking to some of you out there often.. you all are still really cherished by me. Definitely one who left footprints in my life, all whom i'll nv forget..

wanna say PHS rocks. Without PHS, i'll nv have met you all in my life.. will nv have realise how friends can make life so meaningful... so beautiful.

it's not even graduation yet but i can feel that i will miss you all real bad when school ends..

And shih and jess, i don't knw whether you two will even see it. But you two really made my day. It's the first time you two did something so sweet. overwhelmed by what you all have doneee!

i was right afterall.

about life,

its people.....

its love.

Friends can be for a lifetime. I believe.

16 August 2oo8

dear (:

you're under love.

Although we've been together already.. i realise that you're like my best friend too. alwaes there for me whenever i need and make me smile whenever i'm sad.

dear, i'm not perfect and i don't knw whether i deserve all that you've done for me.

you're alwaes pampering me.. trying to give me the best that you can.. thinking for me in small and big things.

you're patient with me whenever i'm slow..

you tell stories whenever i wanna knw.

you bring me to good places that you've been..

you try to not forget me during ur games.

all these all these.. and so many more are really appreciated by me dear.

you've really done a lot and sacrificed a lot for me. i had a really great and happy birthday..(: It's been close to one and a half years since we met and started to get closer and some things just still don't change from the past. you still knw what i want and think or feel even when i don't say it. What more could i ask for..

' Maybe i feel more than i ever say..'

but dear, wanna let you knw that you're a man that i can depend on and for me to rely on. i wanna thank you for everything.. for alwaes being there for alwaes being concern.

i love you.

Thank you dear. really thank you..

For my dad, mum & sis & most prob soon to be bro-in-law,

i've got so much thanks to say that i can never finish. From the day that i was born to what i've become this day, you all've done countless sacrifices for me. i don't know how to say how grateful am i for all this. Perhaps, the love in a family is indescribable and cannot be express. i don't knw how. ..but an open secret deep down in everyone's hearts.

daddy mummy, i love you two.

sis and bro, i love you two just like you all love me too.

Really thanks so much everyone and dear.

you all are the reason i smile..

you all make me smilee!

reallyreally thank God for all of you in my life.

[waiting there] 10:52:00 PM

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just Listen
by: Rachel Naomi Remen

I suspect that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. And especially if it's given from the heart. When people are talking, there's no need to do anything but receive them. Just take them in. Listen to what they're saying. Care about it. Most times caring about it is even more important than understanding it. Most of us don't value ourselves or our love enough to know this. It has taken me along time to believe in the power of simple saying, "I'm so sorry," when someone is in pain. And meaning it.

One of my patients told me that when she tried to tell her story people often interrupted to tell her that they once had something just like that happen to them. Subtly her pain became a story about themselves. Eventually she stopped talking to most people. It was just too lonely. We connect through listening. When we interrupt what someone is saying to let them know that we understand, we move the focus of attention to ourselves. When we listen, they know we care. Many people with cancer can talk about the relief of having someone just listen.

I have even learned to respond to someone crying by just listening. In the old days I used to reach for the tissues, until I realized that passing a person a tissue may be just another way to shut them down, to take them out of their experience of sadness and grief. Now I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me there with them.

This simple thing has not been that easy to learn. It certainly went against everything I had been taught since I was very young. I thought people listened only because they were too timid to speak or did not know the answer. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well intentioned words.

from chunkiat's blog ;)

[waiting there] 11:52:00 PM

Thursday, November 02, 2006

i'll share with you all something i did in the afternoon.

It goes like this.My mom found out that one of the plants she have been growing is plaqued by some white coloured, cottony, soft and maomao thing.Thus, she needs to use spray-bottle to spray away those maomao thing..i took the job upon myself as i did not think that i have something better to do at that time..

at first, i was only spraying the parts of the plants where i could see the white cottony thing is.then after some time, i found out that the plant is much more badly plaqued than i almost all the leaves of the plant have one of their ends 'curled' up and form a hole like a well, that's why it can collect water and any other things in that small hole on almost every leaf..

then the white coloured thing actually chose to grow in those holes.

this made my job tough lo!i have to lift every leaf to spray away the white thing.and the worst thing was that the water that i sprayed on the leaf actually landed back on me...together with the white thing..!

after i finished spraying the plant with about 3-4 bottles of water, i realised that the black shirt i was wearing is dotted with white spots.and the white spots is the maomao thing....

to think that i only realised that i was dotted only when i'm halfway through the job as my head was tilted to the side..trying to avoid the water.

other than spraying the plant, i also sprayed water on a bird which landed on the railings lest it attack me.i also attacked a bee with water..hahaha. ;P

it's least its better than studying.agree? ;]

packed the books that were left haphazardly on my desk for i don't know how long cannot imagine how messy my table was.even if you have seen it for yourself, i don't think anyone would have believed that that, is my table!

was looking through the secondary 1 and 2 texbooks..and i know i'll miss lower secondary life.. perhaps, i'm already missing it now.

although i have been using textbooks for almost everyday during sch days, and i should feel very familiar with the books..but i don't.i don't feel nostalgic..don't feel feels as if the last i touched them was very long ago when it has only been a couple of weeks.i have forgot about how it feels, getting crazy over how much i have to study.

quite a long time ago, i've already realised that i've lost the feeling of feeling about something i've once longer feel familiar with things i've once gone through..places i have stayed for longer than usual..streets that i once used to walk by everyday.

sometimes..i don't know when am i feeling nostalgic or whether i'm feeling nostalgic at all.

but deep down, i know that i do miss those things...those people..those places..

[waiting there] 8:39:00 PM

Friday, October 27, 2006

miss chua.... Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 1:13:00 PM

Thursday, October 26, 2006

passed miss chua the files needed for the eportfolio already..but....when i reached home..switched on the com..i found out that the cd-rom that i've stored my eportfolio gallery pictures is in my computer..grrrrr.that means that i've passed up an empty cd cover with no, i'll have to send her the files through e-mail.

lunch was sushi for me and dan bing for loretta..shared a small part of our food.went to the library after that and i found the third book 'nights in rodanthe' by nicholas sparks finally..since i have been constantly finding love novels written by him as i've lost the vigor to search for other books and his books are not bad.i'm only afraid that i will soong et sick of love novels.

loretta left only after staying in the library for a short while as she wanna rush home to watch tv..!( ;P ) so..i stayed until 5+..only finish reading 2pages of 'nights in rodanthe'.other times were spent staring out of the glass window ..and sleep..until I feel like leaving.

enjoyed the time spent with her..

since sec2 adventure camp is confirm to be postpone..then i will have time for my injuries to recuperate..don't have to get MC from doctor to only attend light activities and bring medicine there in case.hope that new injuries won't be coming my way and old injuries better leave me alone..x)

[waiting there] 6:32:00 PM

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

army girl---valerie Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 6:35:00 PM

found this on xuemei's friendster.. nicely done by her
(edited:is done by vanessa my mistake! xP)Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 6:34:00 PM

Relatives from Malaysia we went Sentosa during the day followed by vivo city for dinner.

My little cousins, Jedidaya, Jolene and Valerie were all there..i like jedidaya's name.He's still loving books as much as i saw him months ago..still as sophisticated and has only been a few years and jolene is already p5.valerie as usual, shy initially but is actually playful..

Took the LUGE ride down the slope and then the Skyride back..after that..went to watch the 4d movie showing about pirates i think..the fourth effects all go try haha

dinner was at swensen at vivo city.didn't like the huge holes on the building that was meant to be unique?!but white is a nice colour.the shopping mall is too big and complicated..

had my fav steak again.parents had chicken baked rice which i like..won't make you get sick and tired of the taste like the meals that pastamania offers..

didn't had the chance to eat beef la mian on sat night.i miss eating noodles..!

i want to do sports but i can't...!!!

[waiting there] 6:21:00 PM

Saturday, October 21, 2006

pain....but the pain on my right thigh is getting better.not like how it was.. giving me pain and aggros whenever i walk..once again..i'm not sure how i pulled the muscles there..but i did pull it anyway.

i use counterpain instead of seeing a relieves me from pain and i think the pulled muscles are recovering next time if you all pulled your muscles, try counterpain!

Morning buses have been rather empty these days due to the absence of JC2 students and sec 4s and 5s..quite like it though.

school hours is fully packed with post-exam activities that sometimes can bore us to death.however, not having to attend lessons is a reason good enough to go to school like usual acitivity that i enjoyed most was the sports carnival.bastetball games...captain's ball..touch rugby etc were going on.reminded me of primary school times..why can't they have more sports games going on..

relatives from malaysia are coming later in the night..maybe going to vivo city.

got to buy many things later..helping my sis buy too..

track pants..5yr a level chem pen..return food also!

[waiting there] 1:33:00 PM

Friday, October 13, 2006

so...on...tuesday..we went to had pasta at junction 8. I forgot what I ordered but it is pasta that consists of clams with white wine and the meal starts with a Vo...there wasn't alcohol in it and tasted quite bland.that's where the cheese come in!

after lunch we went to the playground at the open area to find seats.A cleaner kept looking at us and even said...
'later crack(playground) i will complain..'

wednesday and thursday was students' release days..went ice-skating on thursday.the usual crowd of people skating in circles in the ring..the coaches in blue sweaters coaching students..and the big bulky machine that smoothed the bladed ice ring.

once again..saw many kids skating through the taller and bigger sizes people..fear was also evident on their faces when they struggle from falling.innocence..

took photos in to the centre of the ring.approahed a uncle who's counted an expert at skating and braking on the ice.

(oh..and felicia..tianwei..juinli..shimin and tinting..get the photos we took from zoey or me.will be sending you all a zipped folder with a video inside.the video's the last file.)

yeah..stayed there in the blasting and yet soothing and yet jazzy music with the smell of the ice and cold air freezing my nose and brain for 4 top and jeans also reeks of 'ice' now.

before heading home..went to buy long xu tang for family.(dragon's beard sweet?! i think that's roughly the name)

everyone thought that it was their dooms day today cause we were informed that we will get back all papers.but look what happened?
slackish day...

today marks the end of this week and 2 more weeks..mark the end of school year.

[waiting there] 6:11:00 PM

 Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 6:01:00 PM

playful hands Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 6:00:00 PM

the coach.. the student.. and.. the crowd Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 5:59:00 PM

distorted face of felicia.. she popped out of nowhere..acting cute with her 4 fingers.. Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 5:59:00 PM

balancing act Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 5:57:00 PM

ice-skating  Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 5:56:00 PM

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

home econs practical test a long time ago.. Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 12:35:00 PM

Thursday, September 07, 2006

macro view. the mozzarella cheese look like a rug and resemble a carpet when you take a closer look. Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:25:00 PM

my first attempt at cutting pineapples.twisted the head of the pineapple out and ..don't you think that it look like a christmas tree Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:24:00 PM

 Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:24:00 PM

left for the family. Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:23:00 PM can say is the garnishing.that's the carrot head.and slices of french plan was to slice the loaf into half and sandwich the Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:23:00 PM

 Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:22:00 PM

the sauce is ready! Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:22:00 PM

without cheese intitially Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:22:00 PM

after it is covered with cheese Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:22:00 PM

and this is specially left over for my sis. Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 9:21:00 PM

ok.I'm always feeling like eating and forever eating.even right before and after meals.When I have nothing to do, i eat. When i don't feel like doing something, i eat. When i want a break. i also eat.

So..below are two photos of what I have recently consume other than my 'minced' rockmelon with milk last time.

I present to you the...milk with milo powder and three little cornflakes.Honey-flavoured and crispy.

I know it looks disgusting and may even make you nauseous but tasted nice ok. :P for today..I did a trial on my home econs practical exam.For your information..we are required to create an ethnic dish that involve 3 key ingredients from various ethnic groups.

My dish:
Spaghetti with pineapple
1)Thai-pineapple(from the idea of pineapple rice)haha

2)German-Small pieces of french loaf(bread) (bread is essential for German diet)

3)Malay-Shallots,onions and garlic

4)Italian-spaghetti+tomato sauce+mozzarella cheese (saw the recipe Mock Lasagne from my mum's recipe book and modify it)

That's about all basically.Albeit Mum got me some ingredients yesterday already..I still need to make a sortie to the market to get the rest.

This morning..went to the market to buy chicken breast meat,french loaf,mozzarella cheese,carrots.. but I forgot the mushrooms.Collected the developed photos of SAFTI visit.

Shopping for groceries ain't easy.Firstly..while i was trying to get minced chicken, i realised that supermarkets don't sell that.They sell whole piece or parts of chicken that are not minced.If you want minced meat, get either pork or..beef? So in the end, i looked for help at the mum is working there.haha.She helped me 'ordered' the chicken breast meat for me and rushed back to her working place.My job was to pay the $1.40. ;P

I also got the mozzarella cheese.200g,4 have to 'sliced' yourself while the other packet same brand,200g too,sliced, ex.

Headed to 'Hong Mao' to get carrots at 3 for 70cents.Didn't know how to choose the good ones.

I also observed that women pay more attention when buying groceries.For example, men, they see the carrots, they go for it, anyhow pick up one packet , and they pay for it.

Went back home, kept the ingredients and did some theory work.When lunch time came..and i was sick of doing work..i went to prepare the ingredients.

Everything ended rather smoothly.although I burnt the first ingredients added into the pan(shallots) and forgot to season the minced chicken when i had already started the fire..the dish was still passable.


[waiting there] 8:38:00 PM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

 Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 3:22:00 PM

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[waiting there] 3:22:00 PM

 Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 3:22:00 PM

with Mariko Kawano Posted by Picasa

[waiting there] 3:22:00 PM

Waiting there..

Jacqueline-chia gek
16 august 1992



australia,when i was young.
phs carnival 2005
ricole's 1 year old!
sci centre.-hilarious
sushi feast


June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
October 2007
August 2008
February 2009


yue siang
rui shan
zhao xuan
1 endurance 05
juin li
jia qi
6 courage 04
gladys hu
tian wei
jia ni
jia yin




meet you there, designed by Clone, only at BlogSkins

Meet You There

I'm waiting
For the perfect time to call you back
Cos' I remember saying
Don't wanna know the truth
Can't handle that

And I try to (and I try to)
Just forget you (just forget you)
But don't know how
If only I knew

It's written all over your face
Such a painful thing to waste
Tell me now where do we go?
Now the future's not so clear
I can't believe we've ended here
Where's the world that doesn't care?
Maybe I could meet you there

I'm sorry
If I slagged you down, I meant no harm
When I heard the stories
Said things I didn't mean
Should have stayed calm

Got angry
And it breaks my heart
You're so mad at me

It's written all over your face
Such a painful thing to waste
Tell me now where do we go?
Now the future's not so clear
I can't believe we've ended here
Where's the world that doesn't care?
Maybe I could meet you there

Maybe I could meet you there
Maybe I could meet you there

It's written all over your face
Such a painful thing to waste
Tell me now where do we go?
Now the future's not so clear
I can't believe we've ended here
Where's the world that doesn't care?
Maybe I could meet you there

Maybe I could meet you there
Maybe I should meet you there

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